New podcasts out now !

Why are U in Rome ?In English.

Er traffico de Roma In Italian.

Rome Good Dramma
Laura Eisenstein

Laura Eisenstein

Originally from Paris, I began working in the podcast industry in 2018. Sensitive to language and speech, audio media naturally became a passion. As a content creator myself, I have been supporting independent creators, foundations, NGOs, companies, associations, and media in their audiovisual projects through production, writing, workshops, and events.

After moving to Rome in 2021, I started adapting my work for Italy and international projects and founded a cognitive pedagogy to help people in their creative process. Since 2023, I have been the co-president of the French association Dis Mara, where we create festivals and events to support the podcast ecosystem and promote the culture of this media in France and in Europe.

I am convinced that creativity belongs to everyone, and expressing your voice is a gift for all of us.

Rome Good Dramma
Good Dramma


After years of working in creative content, storytelling, and directing hybrid projects, I've realized a common thread connecting all these experiences: moments filled with life, which I like to call 'Good Dramma.'

Because 'Dramma' (spelled the Italian way) encompasses words, emotions, exchanges, events, learnings, and meetings; it can be deep, funny, heavy, or light, but ultimately leads to crafting your own story.

Good Dramma is all about fully living, creating, sharing, and expressing our voices to transcribe what binds us all.

Good Dramma

Those that make us vibrate, make us feel alive.

Those we want to live and later tell.

Those that reveal truths previously unexplored.

Those we want to create with others and share with the world.

Those that confirm our path and make us want to delve deeper into it.

Those that make us complete.

Those we desire, that captivate us, that we seek.

Good Dramma

What People Are Saying

“I had the privilege of having Laura as my mentor as I embarked on my journey into podcasting. Through tailored and well-structured sections on the next steps towards entering the industry, she gave me hands-on tools. The content was very well-rounded from writing, over communication strategy to understanding the podcast world and finding your angle.

Laura didn't stop at the basics; she also taught me how to pitch and develop compelling stories while connecting to your own values, style and personality to ensure to create an authentic product. Her mentorship extends beyond the professional realm, striking a perfect balance with her personal guidance.”

— Helena Smolak, journalist and podcaster

“Nel aprile del 2022, Laura ci ha tenuto un workshop su come registrare un podcast. L'intento era utilizzare poi il podcast come materiale comunicativo per promuovere una mostra fotografica di un fotoreporter palestinese. Dopo un iniziale training su come affrontare la registrazione, il giusto tono della voce da utilizzare e l'importanze della spontaneità abbiamo registrato. Laura ha realizzato un podcast chiaro e molto ben fatto.”

— Marco Cattaneo, organizzatore mostra fotografica Sumud Libertà tra le Mura

“Après une première saison de podcast réalisée sans accompagnement, j’ai décidé de faire appel à Laura pour développer une deuxième saison plus professionnelle et construite. Laura a très rapidement compris les enjeux de communication interne et externe liés au podcast et nous a aiguillé finement sur le format le plus pertinent pour arriver à nos objectifs. Son accompagnement pluriel a permis un suivi rapproché et une adaptation spécifique à nos besoins. Conception de la saison, accompagnement à l’écriture des épisodes, formation pour mener un entretien, préparation de la voix pour réaliser la voix off, identité sonore,…

En deux mots : un accompagnement complet et parfaitement adapté.”

— Camille Lextray, chargée de communication à la Fondation Tara Océan

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Let’s talk

If you require additional information, wish to present your project, or would like to schedule a meeting, please don't hesitate to send me an email. I'll be delighted to respond and connect with you!