
Good dramma consists of the

moments, experiences, and

anecdotes we share. 

They are..

Those that make us vibrate, make us feel alive.

Those we want to live and later tell.

Those that reveal truths previously unexplored.

Those we want to create with others and share with the world.

Those that confirm our path and make us want to delve deeper into it.

Those that make us complete.

Those we desire, that captivate us, that we seek.

After years of working in creative content, storytelling, and directing hybrid projects, I've realized a common thread connecting all these experiences: moments filled with life, which I like to call 'Good Dramma.'

Because 'Dramma' (spelled the Italian way) encompasses words, emotions, exchanges, events, learnings, and meetings; it can be deep, funny, heavy, or light, but ultimately leads to crafting your own story.

Good Dramma is all about fully living, creating, sharing, and expressing our voices to transcribe what binds us all.

Good Dramma @EliseAugustynen
GOOD DRAMMA @EliseAugustynen