New podcasts in Italian and English: out now.

6 years, over 30 podcasts.



To the fiber: life through fashion.

A thorough look into fashion through the social perspective of it.

Introducing the multiple facades of fashion in a casual, accessible and deluded way; portraying clothes, style and creations as more than the vein and strictly aesthetical by analyzing it as a communication medium.

Let’s delve into the community making fashion alive.

Er traffico de Roma.

Er traffico de Roma, il primo podcast di Good Dramma, ora su tutte le piattaforme di ascolto. Due amiche, una calabrese e l’altra parigina, percorrono i quartieri di Roma in mezzo al traffico con un ospite in macchina.

Ogni due settimane, una chiacchierata di un quarto d’ora per vivere il dramma della guida a Roma e magari altre cose in più.

Why are U in Rome ?

« Rome is full of characters and for me it’s important to make Rome known by the people passing through Rome. »

Every two weeks, Laura invites someone onto her balcony for a friendly and intimate conversation and asks them : Why are U in Rome ?

  • The podcast, for me, is more than a medium; it may be what we've all been waiting for to assert and make our voices heard. Independent, unrestricted, accessible—the podcast is what you choose it to be. It is, therefore, a fantastic playground to find your place and a means to reintroduce sensitivity into a world that has become somewhat sterile in our emotions.